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In 2020, we were able to partner with a small organization called Mission Active to launch an economic empowerment program teaching tailoring, design, and business development to women in Kampala. This program serves as prevention as it provides viable skills and income to vulnerable women, keeping them from traveling abroad and being susceptible to international trafficking.
We are so inspired by these 10 graduates who persevered through a very difficult 2020 in order to graduate, and we can't wait to begin Cycle 2 with 10 more women in Fall 2020.
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ed Oak partners with local organizations around the world to bring Freedom, Hope, and Restoration to survivors and at-risk women and children through prevention, intervention, and restoration.
It cost $500 to provide business start up kits, including their very own sewing machine, to 5 graduates.
*To protect confidentiality, all names have been changed and stock photos may be used.
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